Feb 11 2013

Entrepreneurs and Love Life in the Wall Street Journal

Sarah Needleman wrote a fun article in the WSJ over the weekend titled Yes, Entrepreneurs, You Still Can Have a Love LifeIn it she interviewed me and Amy and wrote about a few of our tactics.

“One of the most important is to dedicate a few minutes every day to listen to your partner. While you may be tired from lending your ear to clients, investors or employees, shutting out your significant other can result in resentment and bottled-up feelings.

Another practice Mr. Feld and Ms. Batchelor recommend is to plan a date at least once a month, plus vacations a few times a year, even if just for a weekend. Go somewhere away from home so you can focus on enjoying one another’s company and leave your smartphone or other work device behind. Otherwise, you may be tempted to check your messages or excuse yourself to answer a call.”

It’s a short article but Sarah captured the spirit of the challenge of a startup life well!